
We have been striving for excellence since our inception. This requires specific accreditations and authorisations to ensure the quality of our work and the safety of our human capital, the main asset of our business.


– Registration cat. 9 class D
(Registration no. MI48180)

Registration in compliance with art. 212, paragraph 8, of Legislative Decree no. 152 of 3 April 2006 and subsequent amendments and additions for the performance of hazardous waste collection and transport operations.

Enrolment in the Register of Research Laboratories according to art. 14, paragraphs 9 – 15 of Ministerial Decree no. 593 of 8/8/2000 of the Ministry of Industry, Research and Energy with Executive Decree no. 1559 of 27 December 2001.

Enrolment in the Register of competent technicians in environmental acoustics according to Law 26/10/95 no. 447


Quality System
UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015
Certificate No 14847/06/S

Environmental Management System
UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
Certificate No. EMS – 2877/S

Certification of quality for the execution of Public Works for the categories:

OS20 / A – classification III
OS20 / B – classification V
OS21 – classification III bis

Occupational Health and Safety System
ISO 45001: 2018
Certificate QSMCERT


– Authorisation to carry out and certify tests on construction materials in compliance with art.59 of Presidential Decree 380/2001 – Decree MM.LL.PP. n° 8583 of 05/09/2012

Authorisation to carry out and certify tests on soil, tests on rocks, geognostic investigations, sampling and tests on-site according to art.59 of Presidential Decree 380/2001 – Decree MM.LL.PP. n° 6858 of 19/07/2011

Authorisation for Specialised Critical Operations in accordance with the “Remotely Piloted Aircraft” Regulation, scenarios S01 – S04 – S06