
- Refraction and reflection tomographic seismic surveys
- Geoelectrical prospections (Wenner – Schlumberger – Dipole Dipole – Spontaneous Potentials – SEV – Electromagnetism)
- Magnetometric and Gradiometric surveys
- In-hole magnetometric surveys
- Georadar surveys (on surfaces and in boreholes) and location of buried utilities
- Down Hole and Cross Hole tests
- MASW surveys
- HVSR and ESAC testing
- Vibrometric and accelerometric tests and monitoring
- Dynamic tests on structures
- Thermographic surveys
- In-hole geophysical logs
- Nearshore/offshore surveys (Single-beam – Multibeam – Side Scan Sonar – Sub-bottom profile)
- Installation of seismic and microseismic networks
- Research and mapping of underground and buried utilities and structures
- Data interpretation and analysis
- Consultancy and design assistance