
  • Continuous core drilling (onshore and offshore)
  • Core destruction drilling with monitoring of the drilling parameters (DAC TEST)
  • Installation of piezometers, inclinometers, settlement meters, extensoinclinometers and tensiometers
  • Construction of wells and hydraulic barriers
  • Undisturbed sampling (Shelby – Osterberg – Mazier – Craps – Denison – Gel Push Sampler)
  • Geotechnical borehole tests (SPT – Pressure gauge – Dilatometer – Lefranc – Lugeon)
  • Hydrogeological tests (Lefranc – Lugeon – Flow tests)
  • Hydraulic fracturing tests
  • Continuous penetrometric tests (DPSH – CPT – CPTE – CPTu – Seismocone)
  • Continuous dilatometric tests (Marchetti Dilatometer and Seismodilatometer)
  • Geotechnical monitoring (inclinometric – asymmetric – extensoinclinometric – piezometric)
  • Installation of continuous geotechnical parameter monitoring systems
  • Borehole surveys with optical (OPTV) and acoustic (BHTV) cameras
  • Geostructural surveys
  • Geoarchaeological surveys and paleoenvironmental reconstructions
  • Geotechnical Laboratory (Soil and Rocks)
  • Data interpretation and analysis
  • Consultancy and design assistance