
Innovative SME

Innovation is the driver of our activity. It is part of us, and we constantly seek it out, which is why from 2019 we are registered in the Special Section of the Milan Companies Register.

The Innovative SMEs -according to Law 24 March 2015 n.33 – represent an important group of companies that contribute to the innovative development of the country.

They promote sustainable growth, technological development and employment.

They contribute to the dimensional strengthening of new innovative enterprises and the creation of a more innovation-friendly ecosystem

Moreover, they promote technology transfer processes, enhance research, and attract new talent and capital to Italy from abroad.


We have always considered research to be a fundamental and strategic sector of our internal growth and development. To pursue the objective of providing constantly innovative solutions, we have implemented more than 30 research projects in collaboration with leading public and private research organisations.

Technology transfer

Huge investments in Research & Development have allowed us to be an integral part of innovative supply chains with high technological content. Through the integration processes in public-private groups and direct participation in research projects, we always ensure technology transfer into innovative applications in the field.

in cooperation with research institutions

obtained in 2018 – 2019


developed with research organisations


in scientific journals


Strategic participations

Innovation is not just a goal to be achieved, it is a concept rooted in our way of doing things. We are strongly convinced that the contamination of knowledge and technologies is a fundamental generator of innovative value. That is why we wanted to set up a dense network of strategic shareholdings with complementary investee companies, to offer our clients a system of suitable solutions. The services provided by innovative start-ups allow us to complement the company’s core business and thus provide an increasingly articulated and complete service.

Construction and design of monitoring equipment

Ordnance Disposal

Innovative Services for Aerospace Engineering

Innovative Engineering

Technology development and research for seismically safe and eco-sustainable buildings

Hydrogeological risk analysis and monitoring of the territory

Digital in Construction

Innovative Solutions in Ground Improvement and Geotechnical Engineering

Quality of services

TECNO IN has had a Quality Management System since 2006, in compliance with the UNI-EN-ISO 9001:2008 standard, updated in 2015 with the UNI-EN-ISO 9001:2015 standard and certified by a third-party organisation. The certification guarantees the quality of processes and services through the Quality Manual, Management Procedures, Operating Instructions and Internal Audits.

UNI-EN-ISO 9001:2015 declares that TECNO IN’s Quality Management System adopts a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) approach to quality management for several activities. Such as execution of site and laboratory investigations related to geology, engineering and environment and design and implementation of monitoring systems and measurement of data and quantities in the structural, geomorphological and environmental fields.

TECNO IN has “implemented a structured process of identification, evaluation and prioritisation of contextual factors that are capable of significantly affecting its ability to generate value in the short, medium and long term”.